Friday 11 June 2010

Another Review of Andromeda Spaceways #43

David Kernot's edited issue of Andromeda Spaceways Inflight Magazine Isssue 43 gets another review, this time on ASIF, "An eminently readable collection, well-balanced with long and short stories, fantasy and science fiction and horror, so something for everyone."

This is what was said about my story, "Emergency Rebuild":

"The victim of an accident on Mars suffers massive injuries and is progressively ‘fixed’ as parts of him fail. An old school style science fiction story that shows compassion and humanity don’t require a biological body."

I wonder what 'old school' means. I guess I have been reading science fiction since I was ten, and started with some of the originals, like Asimov, Heinlein, Niven, Herbert, Aldiss and Dick, so their influence would be in there somewhere.

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